“My goal is that they will be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love.” Rev. Dr. Leroy Attles, and his wife, Mrs. Henrietta Attles are the personification of these words from Colossians 2:2
I sat down with the pastor and his wife to discuss his ministry here at St Paul. He graciously let her do most of the talking.
He is a special man, says Mrs. Attles of the Pastor. “God has been leading him right from the beginning.”
Pastor’s leadership abilities and his training encouraged him to run for the highest position of the church, striving for excellence in every category. That is what he was trying to offer to the church. He found what his purpose was. Over the 30 years Rev. Attles has been here, his purpose was to provide the legacy of holiness for the young pastors that came under his leadership. And God has been revealing that to us more so this year than at any other time in his ministry, according to Mrs. Attles.
He has been invited to go and speak at different churches for special occasions. Which he would not have taken the opportunity to do. What he has found is that his children in ministry are outstanding leaders. Mrs. Attles confirmed that no one else in the AME church can boast of having 125 sons and daughters who entered the formal ministry, or people that have experienced him as their pastoral leader at some time in their lives.
His purpose, like we’re trying to learn so much about the purpose driven life, and it’s not about me, it’s about what God wanted me to do to add to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
She stated, I think that years from now, when he’s not so involved in the ‘next program’ or the next ‘oneness conference’, that he will sit back and reflect on his influence in the lives of so many ministers.
Just two weeks ago, we had the opportunity to return to one of his earlier churches for their 125th Anniversary. He had made a promise that he would come.
Q: What church was that?
Bethel AME in Passaic New Jersey. The Pastor there, whose name is Rev Linda Elerby, was not one of his children in the ministry, shared with him that he was the first person she had ever experienced the gifts of the Holy Spirit with. He had no idea.
When he had done a revival for Rev Elerby, he had no idea. Several members of her current church were there and they said that was their first introduction to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Several people said that. Pastor was sitting there in awe because he had no idea of them receiving the gifts like that.
This was just one person who had seen him in a revival and it had changed their whole ministry at the revival, because of his influence. Teaching and sharing that there was more to going to church than just going for the Godly works. There is a whole spiritual component that they had not been exposed to. [Subsequently this revelation] had changed their whole ministry. God had been sharing with Pastor that there is more to living than just earning a living and going about our daily chores.
God keeps revealing the importance of what Pastor has been doing.
There is more to life than earning a living and going about our daily chores. God will provide. This is the spiritual component. When you look back over your life and see the things you have accomplished. Don’t worry. We just don’t have to worry in life. Like we are prone to do". Like I am prone to do.
Rev. Reggie Mitchell came to St. Paul and preached a revival about two months ago. A legacy of Holiness – Reggie preached - so for one of Pastor’s children to come and preach that kind of a message about his legacy of holiness – Pastor had a powerful affect on him and that’s what he has demonstrated all these years.
You know, because God will provide when you look back and see the things you have accomplished, and you know that you had nothing overwhelming to add, that God provided. All we need to do is stay in his will. The way that God brings it around and makes a way out of no way! Things that you may never have thought of.

One of the wonderful things about being here at St Paul is that we came here with 3 young children. The trust that those children have had is based on love and support. They really helped raise the children. And what’s happening today with so many organizations based on helping the children to grow up strong mentally, physically emotionally socially and psychologically. In All those areas, they helped produce those in them. So the success my children have known in life is the product of the nurturing of the wonderful members of Paul.
My grandchildren. My daughter came to Massachusetts with one 2, one 1 and one 3 months old. So it’s that constant nurturing that they also received for the first 10 years in their lives. That’s why they feel St. Paul is their home church. Although they’ve gone with their parents to their own churches, they call St. Paul their home. At a certain point they want to come home on many occasions, like Christmas or have a special friend at Easter time. They return to their home church. What can we say after 30 years of being in the community, as well as trying to give ourselves to the larger connectional church. The wonderful sermons. Some are documented and special like, Let’s have a party?
Q: You mean the Holy Ghost Party sermon?
Mrs Attles: Yes. I guess when he retires he will write and publish more books and be very instrumental in specialty things or activities. Things he has often wanted to do but because of managing the church...I think that will be a joyous time. I don’t want to put words in his mouth.
Pastor: I think you’re doing a fine job. (…laughter). I’ve written two books,
"Money Talks" based on a collection of sermons on tithing and "Fruits of the Spirit".
Pastor said, My son Louis used to share some of my sermons at Turner Theological Seminary in Atlanta [where he received his Masters]. The seminarians there told Lewis to tell his father to write a book [put it down] because the seminarians had tired of asking him about the different points out of my sermons. That’s when I wrote "Fruits of the Spirit".
I thank you both for your thoughtful words and also for allowing and inviting us to keep the door open for future interviews.